Hi. I'm Greg.
Husband. Father. Entrepreneur.
Coach. Writer. Seeker.
I guide entrepreneurs and high achievers through the process of healing, transforming and growing into the human being they’re destined to be.
Here’s my background in 20 seconds:
- I’ve started, bought and grown more than 20 different ventures (two were named to Canada’s Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies)
- Over the last 20 years, I’ve spoken from stage to more than 250,000 people and coached thousands of entrepreneurs and high achievers
- I built a $100 million dollar real estate portfolio — and then lost a huge chunk of it through the global credit crisis that started in 2008
- I wrote one of Canada’s all-time best-selling books in the real estate investment category
- I’m a Certified Psychedelic Facilitation Coach, a Certified SOMA Breathwork instructor, and Certified Transformational Psychedelic Integration Coach
My Story
I’m a serial entrepreneur at heart and love building, shaping and growing businesses and industries.
I started my first business at 8, and never looked back. I’ve had some big successes, and fucked a few things up really well along the way too. Without a doubt, it’s the challenges and setbacks that are the best teachers.
I love tackling market and business problems where a willingness to challenge the status quo leads to breakthroughs. I’ve been involved in numerous industries – radio, software, media production, real estate, coaching, finance, mental wellness, human resources and veterinary among many – and love to be told “you can’t do that”.

After going public and selling my first “grown up” business in 2000, I started investing in real estate.
Before long, I had built a portfolio of $100 million dollars and started speaking at events all across North America. I loved speaking and teaching entrepreneurs, and grew the speaking and training business to revenues of several million dollars a year. I was approached by a major publisher to write a book in the real estate investing category. I did, and it became one of the best selling books in Canada for that category.
I spent years as a professional speaker, sharing from stage in several countries and hosting amazing speakers at my own events — including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Richard Branson, President Bill Clinton, Stephen Covey and hundreds more.
(My all-time favourite was definitely Dr. Jane Goodall.)

By 2008, everything I touched seemed to turn to gold. I started several ventures that went on to become successful, and I was “living the life” that most entrepreneurs dream about.
And along the way, I began to believe my own PR far too much.
(cue the moody, looming orchestra music that suggests something bad is about to happen …)
I was just about to go on stage at a live event when I heard about this huge event. It signalled the beginning of the global credit crisis, and what would become a very difficult decade in my life.
After being a driven, ambitious and relentless entrepreneur for as long as I could remember, life managed to get in the way, put a stick in my spokes, and threw me head first over the handlebars.
Business and personal challenges forced me to slow down and to just feel. To be instead of just do. I went through a series of difficult decisions and personal losses.
The first was the loss of my Mom in 2015 to an unexpected fatal stroke. I’d never felt so lost and helpless. It was the first time in my life I sensed how short and precious life truly is.
A couple of years later in 2017, I decided to sell my primary business, which led me into an identity crisis. Who was I if I wasn’t that business owner, how everyone knew me?
And then in 2018, I suffered the loss of my first marriage in a very difficult and painful way.
I suddenly found myself in a difficult reflection period after getting divorced, not having a business to focus on, and being forced to reckon with what was a very difficult question …
“who have i become?”
It was the first time in my adult life when I didn’t have a business (or relationship) to keep me distracted.
I realized that I had a lot of internal work to do, resolving childhood trauma and coming to terms with so many things in my past. I was running away from things, and that had to stop.
I began exploring and studying a range of healing modalities including therapy, breathwork, yoga, floating, plant medicine and psychedelics.
As I became more aware of the programming and beliefs deep inside that were running me, I started to rebuild the relationship with myself. For the first time in my life, I started to really get to know the real me.
And parts of that were deeply painful and difficult. I came to terms with how I had hurt others, and others had hurt me. But until you build a strong foundation based on who you truly are, it’s almost impossible to build authentic relationships with anyone — including yourself.
Over the next several years, I committed deeply to doing the uncomfortable and difficult work that needed to be done. I worked with several plant teachers and allies, and have been blessed to have extraordinary teachers and mentors along the way. Ayahuasca was the gateway to me witnessing for the first time some of the things in childhood that had caused me to shut down and feel like I wasn’t safe in the world.
With each session or ceremony with medicine, I peeled another layer away that got me closer to my true self. And as I did the work, I slowly removed layer after layer of armor and protection that had been built up over years. It was intended to protect me, but it kept me disconnected and separate from others. As I removed those layers, I was able to finally breathe and start to feel aligned and aware of who I was really was.
2019 became a turning point for me for a number of reasons .. but without a doubt, the biggest one was having my soulmate Missy drift into my life.
When we first met, we both felt an undeniable pull. The universe moved to unite us, and we fell deeply in love. As our love grew, we shared experiences and knowledge around movement, yoga, breathwork, consciousness and psychedelic medicine.
We bore witness to each other’s healing, pain and grief, and committed to be the support and love that we each needed.
We each felt ‘seen’ for the first time in our lives, and that deepened our love for each other.
Over the years, we had both gained so much from the different process and modalities we were practicing, we committed to becoming certified in a number of them. We each focused our attention on education and becoming trained and certified in a variety of modalities.
She’s one of Canada’s few Certified Trauma-Sensitive Yoga facilitators, and I got certified as a breath work instructor. We both completed our certifications in both Psychedelics Facilitation as well as Transformation and Psychedelic Integration Coaching.
My life today looks nothing like it did several years ago. I still continue to do the work, walking the path of continued healing and transformation. I’ve become a passionate advocate of doing the work — because the future in store for you begins in your past.
I married my soulmate in May, 2023. ❤️
the biggest lessons I’VE learned:
No One Escapes Childhood Without Trauma That Stays Embedded Within Them.
As a child, you experienced events and situations where you didn’t have the tools or resources to understand or cope with things that were scary or caused hard emotions. As a result, you found ways to suppress or ignore them — but the science is clear .. they’re still there. For most of my life, I didn’t believe I had any childhood trauma at all. However, as I learned about trauma and did the inner work, I realized how many anchors and narratives that I had created in childhood were still dictating most of the decisions in my adult life.
Entrepreneurs and High Achievers Have A Disproportionate Amount of Trauma To Process.
After coaching and supporting thousands of entrepreneurs and high achievers over the years, I came to recognize that those who decide to start their own business or “be their own boss” often have deep traumatic experiences that silently drive them. Becoming a business owner in itself doesn’t mean you have a lot of trauma .. but entrepreneurs tend to have more significant trauma and entanglements in their life, of which they’re completely blind.
Until You Heal The Roots Of The Tree, The Fruit You Desire Will Never Come.
Most entrepreneurs are trying to solve their problems by investing in more courses, training and books to learn the newest fad or trend to “give them an edge”. But the real solution is not “out there” in a book or a course — the only true solution is found within yourself. Most of the problems you face as an entrepreneur come from your internal dialogues and battles, so you have to turn inwards to get breakthrough results.
Find the root problems that are creating the issues in your life, and you’ll resolve them once and for all. Keep trying to put a band-aid over the real problem with more courses and books, and you’ll simply get more of the same.
Working Through Your Trauma and Healing It Gives You Superpowers.
Once you start exploring the depths of your subconscious and mind, you begin to loosen the tightly-wound narratives and stories that you created long ago to stay safe. As you’re able to process and heal the things that caused you pain and difficulty in the past, you begin to make better decisions. Your relationships become more authentic, you become more connected, and you begin to sit in the seat of your power and confidence. You stop pursuing ‘things and stuff’ as a means to fill some void that’s inside you. You care less what others think about you. You develop the inner resources to manage your emotions, and life gets better and more vibrant.
The World Is Desperate For Healed and Aligned Human Beings. More Than Ever.